Archives of Head and Neck Surgery
Archives of Head and Neck Surgery

About the Journal

The Archives of Head and Neck Surgery is an international multidisciplinary publication of original contributions and advances in the diagnosis and management of diseases of the head and neck. This is a peer-reviewed medical journal that provides relevant information for physicians and scientists concerned with diseases of the head and neck. The journal was first published in 1974, in Portuguese as Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço. 

The mission of the journal

The journal’s mission is to publish ethical and clinically relevant information in head and neck surgery and allied areas. It presents relevant information for physicians and scientists concerned with diseases of the head and neck.

The specific areas of the journal

The Archives of Head and Neck Surgery publishes original manuscripts of clinical and research significance in several surgical and medical specializations, including head and neck surgery, otolaryngology, oral surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, cranio-maxillofacial surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, ophthalmology, pathology, communication disorders and the corresponding basic sciences. A concise presentation of information is encouraged. An abstract format is employed to assess validity and relevance from a clinical perspective.

How does the journal evaluate manuscripts? 

Each manuscript is submitted for peer review by at least two experts in the field.

Which types of articles are published?

Original articles, case reports, invited narrative reviews, invited book reviews and letters to the editor are considered for publication.

What is the journal’s frequency of publication and mode of access?

Since Januray, 2020, the journal publishes the accepted articles as soon as they are edited, under continuous flow. All articles are available through the journal website from the date of publication under free access without author fees.

Who is responsible for the jornal’s publication?

The journal is owned by the Brazilian Society of Head and Neck Surgery. It is the official publication for the Brazilian Society of Head and Neck Surgery and the Latin American Federation of Societies of Head and Neck Surgery. The journal is published by the Brazilian Head and Neck Society.

Arch. Head Neck Surg.

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