Laryngeal neuroendocrine tumor
Ágatha Rossi Dias, Angela dos Anjos Couto, Daniel Herman Partezani, Rogério Aparecido Dedivitis, André Vicente Guimarães
Generally rare, neuroendocrine tumors of the larynx are more frequent in the supraglottic region. They predominate in males and develop around 50 years of age. They are divided into typical carcinoid, atypical carcinoid, small cell neuroendocrine tumors and paraganglioma. A 52-year-old male patient, former smoker, complained of a foreign body sensation in his throat for three years, in addition to local pain. A laryngoscopy revealed a polypoid lesion in the right arytenoid. The diagnostic approach adopted was laryngeal microsurgery for excisional biopsy, and the anatomopathological analysis showed an atypical carcinoid. The patient underwent adjuvant chemotherapy; evidence of recurrence was not found after five years.
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