Spontaneous remission of primary papillary thyroid carcinoma: case report
Gabriela De Martin Silva, Vinicius Antunes Freitas, Flávio Sirihal Werkema, João Batista de Oliveira Andrade, Roger Lanes Silveira
Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common thyroid neoplasm and its spontaneous remission is an extremely exceptional event. In 2010, a 76-year-old male patient was diagnosed in with CPT. Thyroid ultrasonography indicated echographic characteristics of a solid nodule in the distal third of the right lobe, isoechoic, perinodal vascularization, punctate calcification, measuring 10x7.3mm. The cytological report obtained after the Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) pointed thyroid papillary tumor, indicating total thyroidectomy, surgical proposal refused by the patient. Ten years after the initial diagnosis and clinical follow-up, a cervical Doppler ultrasonography indicated the presence of a solid nodule in the lower third of the right lobe, hypoechoic, regular contours, Chammas II, absent calcification, Ti-RADS 4, measuring 0.7x0.6 cm. In addition, a new cytological report after the FNAB indicated a benign pattern in the sample and spontaneous tumor remission.
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