Archives of Head and Neck Surgery
Archives of Head and Neck Surgery

Castleman’s disease: atypical pathology – a case report

Daysi Alejandra León Sanguano, Christian Paul Jara Santamaria, Diego Andrés Vasquéz Bracho, David Santiago Álvarez Gahona, Duilio Antonio Palacios Molina

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Castleman’s disease is a rare, benign pathology characterized by lymph node hyperplasia. Clinically, it is classified as either multicentric or unicentric disease. The choice of treatment depends on the subtype of the disease, with surgical intervention being preferred for unicentric cases and a combination of chemotherapy, corticosteroids, or immunomodulators being used for multicentric cases. Given the rarity of this pathology, the objective of this study is to present a case report of a male patient with an anatomopathological diagnosis of Castleman’s disease.


Castleman’s disease; cervical mass; head and neck surgery; case report


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