Editorial Board
Dr Gilberto Vaz Teixeira
Associated Editors
Dr. Abrão Rapoport
São Paulo/SP - Hospital Heliópolis
Dr. Claudio Roberto Cernea
São Paulo/SP - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo
Dr. Fernando Luiz Dias
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Hospital do Cancer - INCA
Dr. Luiz Paulo Kowalski
São Paulo/SP - Hospital A.C. Camargo
Dr. Onivaldo Cervantes
São Paulo/SP - Hospital São Paulo - UNIFESP
Assistant Editors
Dr. André Vicente Guimarães
Dr. Giulianno Molina de Melo
Dr. Murilo Catafesta das Neves
Dra. Maria Paula Curado
Dr. Fernando Walder
Dr. Jose Francisco de Salles Chagas
Language for submission
Studies will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. After acceptance for publication, the articles will be translated into English by the Journal, since this is its official language.
Publication of
Brazilian Society of Head and Neck Surgery
Av. Brigadeiro Luis Antonio, 278 – 6º andar – Bela Vista
Cep. 01318-901 – São Paulo – SP
Tel/Fax: (0XX11) 3107-9529
Latin American Federation of Societies of Head and Neck Surgery
Mail: info@flsccyc.org
Tel: +55 (11) 98737-7996
Desktop Publishing
Editora Cubo